"Have broad shoulders" nghĩa là gì?

Bờ vai Thái Bình Dương. Photo by Jimmy Jimmy from Pexels

"Have broad shoulders" = có vờ vai rộng -> nghĩa là khỏe, có thể vác nặng hoặc có thể gánh vác nhiều trách nhiệm trên vai.

Ví dụ
These people typically have broad shoulders, are lean and muscular, and respond to exercise training with quick and very evident results.

Men don't carry things because they happen to have broad shoulders. They have broad shoulders because God created them to carry things.

No, it is not absolutely necessary to have broad shoulders, but unless they are used you will find the hive (tổ ong) very much more difficult to make and manipulate.

I had broad shoulders, but they were bony (xương xẩu); I had muscular arms, but not bulging (phình lên); and I had a flat stomach, but not one that was extremely “ripped.”

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