"If you're born to be hanged, then you'll never be drowned" nghĩa là gì?

Số phải tèo thì tèo. :D Photo by Patrick Case from Pexels

"If you're born to be hanged, then you'll never be drowned" = nếu bạn sinh ra để bị treo cổ thì sẽ không bao giờ bị chết đuối -> nghĩa là đừng quá hả hê vì may mắn thoát chết, có thể thảm họa khác còn ập tới.

Ví dụ
If you're born to be hanged you'll never drown, and apparently they'll never manage to shoot you, either. The bullet (đạn) had embedded itself in the chimney (ống khói), the only brick wall in the whole barrack hut (trại lính).

When she first went in a rowing boat (thuyền có mái chèo) and was frightened, her nurse reassured (trấn an) her with “if you're born to be hanged, you'll never be drowned”, evidently thinking one contingency (việc có thể xảy ra) as likely as the other.

"Isn't it dangerous?" asked Madame anxiously.
“If you're born to be hanged, you'll never be drowned,” exclaimed Emily, little thinking how terribly apposite was the adage (ngạn ngữ).

“And fare you well (tạm biệt), Jack. If you're born to be hanged, you'll never die of drowning.”
“No,” said the others in chorus, as they left the shop, “you'll never die of drowning, Jack!"

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