"In a brace of shakes" nghĩa là gì?

Tuổi trẻ là biểu tượng của năng lượng dồi dào. Photo by Julyo Saenz from Pexels

"In a brace of shakes" = trong một cái lắc -> nghĩa là ngay lập tức, nhanh chóng.

Ví dụ
Now if you just sit on my back, I'll take you to the village in a brace of shakes.

By the British system I have been obliged (nghĩa vụ) to concoct (đặt ra) my own plans in a brace of shakes almost under fire.

I know – because I was a student once – that they think they are going to make it a whole big lot better, and that in a brace of shakes. Youth always does – which is part of the delightful condition of being young.

We'll be along in a brace of shakes, and—get this, Wain—don't touch anything and detain (ngăn cản) anyone who turns up and shows any interest in it. You won't have to wait long, and remember —don't touch anything.

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