"Work to rule" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel from Pexels

"Work to rule" (trong ngành công nghiệp) nghĩa là cứ quy tắc mà làm, làm y như thỏa thuận, không làm thêm giờ (điều này dễ dẫn đến giảm sản lượng và hiệu quả).

Ví dụ
As most of the tactics (mẹo, mưu kế) involved, such as work-to-rule, are “unprotected” during the life of the contract, the union let the old one expire.

Indeed, it's no coincidence that one of the most effective practices of labor unions is the so-called “work to rule” action in which, instead of going on strike (đình công), workers instead adhere (tuân thủ) strictly to every rule, to the degree that no real work can get done.

For Tucker, work-to-rule meant simply obeying the management's rules. Inasmuch as (bởi vì) management constantly seeks to accelerate (thúc đẩy) production flows, it depends on workers to bend the official work rules and cut corners to increase output (sản lượng).

Work to rule is a protest (phản kháng), an unethical (phi đạo đức) protest by employees by maliciously (ác ý) slowing down work under the pretext (viện cớ) that they are observing each word of the proclaimed rules but the real intention is to hamper work; employees pretend that they are observing rules and regulations in such a legalistic (hợp pháp) way that they are virtually not doing the work.

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