Lợi nhuận đến từ đâu?

đổ mồ hôi sôi nước mắt mới có, ko phải từ trên trời rơi xuống,

với một doanh nghiệp, chi phí hết 2 triệu usd, thì tiết kiệm được 0.5% chi phí đã là 10k usd rồi, rất vất vả mới được, chứ ko phải "chặn họng" khách hàng như các chính trị gia lu loa đâu...

by giáo sư DON BOUDREAUX
My close friend Lyle Albaugh, CFO of Betsy Fisher – a small, upscale women’s clothing store in D.C. – sent to me the following e-mail in response to this recent blog post of mine. I share Lyle’s e-mail here with his kind permission.

One small point and by no means a criticism: you say ” shave a few percentage points off of costs.” For a small, closely-held corporation with, for example, $2M in costs, shaving even .5% off costs, would mean $10K in extra net income to the owners annually – a substantial sum. My point is to support your correct argument that even the smallest decrease in costs can have significant impact on stakeholders. We, small business owners, work endlessly to achieve these tiny cost savings.

Yes. To the extent that consumers can spend their money as they choose, entrepreneurs ceaselessly (không ngừng nghỉ) work hard (làm việc chăm chỉ, ngày đêm) to attract (thu hút) and to maintain (duy trì) customers. Consumers reap enormous benefits (lợi ích khổng lồ), yet they almost never notice the entrepreneurs’ hard work – the entrepreneurs’ risk-taking (chấp nhận rủi ro), the experimentation (thử nghiệm), the losses (mất mát) – that are inseparable (không thể tách rời) from the competitive market  (thị trường cạnh tranh) process. Some arrogant professor or politician or pundit shows up and, seeing only the profits that successful business owners earn, complain – mistakenly supposing that these profits are wrung from the hides of consumers and workers.

It’s as maddening as it is ignorant. Yet this attitude – expressed today by many conservatives as well as by “Progressives” – is prevalent. No society can remain prosperous if this attitude becomes and stays widespread.

Tags: economics

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