"It is the pace that kills" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Laila Klinsmann from Pexels

"It is the pace that kills" = tốc độ chết người -> nghĩa là cố gắng làm quá nhiều, quá nhanh có thể gây nguy hiểm/ có hại cho bạn. Cụm từ ban đầu để chỉ những mối nguy hiểm khi cưỡi ngựa.

Ví dụ
'Tis the pace that kills, not only the fox and horse, but also the nerve of the rider.

This maxim (châm ngôn), therefore, 'that it's the pace that kills,' is altogether fallacious (sai lầm) in the moderate sense in which we are viewing it.

It is the pace which kills. We have heard the warning for a generation, but now we are in the midst of the deadly strain (căng thẳng). Speed. Preaching (thuyết giảng) is proverbially in vain (vô ích).

Without for a moment forgetting the cardinal (cốt yếu) truth that "it is the pace which kills," it is quite apparent that the disease and the remedy (phương thuốc), to some extent at least, travel together.

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