"Make haste slowly" nghĩa là gì?

 Photo by: Andy Kelly on Unsplash

"Make haste slowly" có từ haste là vội vã, slowly là chậm rãi -> cụm từ này nghĩa là hành động thận trọng, tập trung, chú ý tới từng chi tiết. 

Ví dụ

While writing Simple Fuel, Ko had in mind the classical adage (câu ngạn ngữ), festina lente ("make haste slowly"). Ko's music is whimsical (bất thường), questioning, and lyrical. \

Caesar Augustus is said to have first adopted the motto (tục ngữ): Festina Lente. Make haste, slowly. He even had gold coins printed with a crab and a butterfly to symbolize the idea. This simple phrase, "go slow to go fast," has captured (giành được) the imagination of countless leaders over the centuries, and it remains with us today.

“We do need to rush back to school. But we have to make haste slowly,” writes Crispin Maslog (chair of the Board, Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, Manila) in an article in SciDev.Net.

Ngọc Lân

Bài trước: "Feed a cold, starve a fever" nghĩa là gì?

Tags: phrase

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