Chơi lớn

đốt nhà giết rắn... :D

A BUILDING in the Tarlogie compound in East Berbice, Corentyne, which formerly housed government staff in the 1980s, was completely gutted (phá hủy, cháy rụi bên trong) after a man tried to get rid of a snake (con rắn) by burning (đốt) it.

Several other abandoned buildings in the compound were not affected.

the fire started at approximately 13:00hrs after the security guard attached to the compound lit a fire in a tyre (lốp xe) that was situated close to the house. He told investigators that he saw the snake inside and wanted to “kill it”.

the small fire caught on other combustibles (vật dễ cháy) and old tyres that were stored next to the structure. Within minutes (chỉ trong vài phút), the fire spread to the entire building (ngọn lửa lan ra toàn bộ ngôi nhà).

Tags: funny

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