Quá thông minh

nam thanh niên dùng "khóa tủ lạnh kiểu mới" để ngăn bạn gái ăn 'đồ ăn vặt' của mình... :D
BE honest lads, we've all thought about this at some point.

Obviously when you're living together, 'mine' and 'yours' fly out the window. It becomes 'ours'. Isn't that lovely?

Well, not always.*

Desserts are one problem. "I won't order one, I'll just have a bite of yours," ... bugger off! We all know you fully intend to have most of my cheesecake.

Snacks are another problem. Especially if you like the same stuff. Though there are a number of tactics us lads can use to combat this.

Top shelves are good idea. Chances are you're a little taller than your partner, and hiding things in high places can help. But at some point, you'll find a chair next to the fridge and your snacks snarfed.

Buying things they don't like it another option. But you're only limiting yourself with this option. You shouldn't be forced to endure fruit & nut dairy milk just because she's unable to control herself.

But fear not! A man, nay, a legend named Dave Williams has come up with the ultimate solution: A fridge safe. And it might just mean the end of the war.

Tags: marriage


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