Những ai hay nhậu, chú ý

nam thanh niên china uống rượu say, tỉnh dậy sáng hôm sau thấy mất chim (dương vật), phải đi bệnh viện nối lại...

Tan Nan had allegedly been out with friends in Hunan, southern China when he became so drunk he fell asleep.

When he came round the following morning he felt a sharp pain (đau nhói) in his groin (háng) - then noticed his genitals (bộ phận sinh dục ngoài) had been chopped off (chặt).

Police are now investigating the bizarre (kỳ quặc, lạ lùng) case, which happened in China.

Tan allegedly told cops he had no idea who was responsible for the cruel prank (trò chơi khăm ác ý/tàn ác).

Tags: beer

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