"Pack on the pounds" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Jamie Brown on Unsplash

"Pack on the pounds" -> nghĩa là tăng cân, thường tăng với số lượng lớn. 

Ví dụ
You do not weigh yourself. To stay on track (theo dõi), weigh yourself once a week at the same time to ensure continued success. Research shows that people who do not keep track of their weight tend to pack on the pounds.

We hunt the corn late in the season when deer (con nai) shift (dời) from those remaining sources of high-carb “hot” foods, which help them pack on the pounds for the long winter ahead.

The end of summer and fall are crucial (quan trọng) times for bears because they need to eat constantly (liên tiếp) in order to pack on the pounds before hibernation (ngủ đông). With fruit ripening on our trees, they are attracted to these food sources.

Ngọc Lân

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