Không ngầu cho lắm nhỉ?

samsung quảng cáo tủ lạnh thông minh, kết nối internet bằng ý tưởng "làm mai/mối" cho các bạn độc thân dựa trên thức ăn trong tủ lạnh của họ... ;)
if you are single (độc thân) and looking for a cool (ngầu) new way to meet people, Samsung has just the thing. The electronics company recently launched Refrigerdating, a service that matches you with dates based on what is inside your fridge. It’s like Tinder but you swipe through pictures of food, rather than faces. “We hope people can meet under more honest or transparent (minh bạch) circumstances with the help of the contents (nội dung, những thứ bên trong) of the fridge (tủ lạnh), because that can tell you a lot about the personality,” a PR manager explained.

Speaking of transparent, Samsung didn’t launch this site for the love of matchmaking (làm mai, làm mối); it is a promotional tactic (chiêu trò PR, quảng cáo) for its multi-thousand-pound smart fridges (tủ lạnh thông minh).

At this point I would like to point out that smart fridges are one of the stupidest things (ý tưởng ngu ngốc nhất) to come out of the modern world (thế giới hiện đại). It has been said cocaine (ma túy) is God’s way of telling you that you have too much money (có nhiều tiền); I reckon internet-connected fridges are God’s way of telling you that you should be paying more taxes (nên đóng thuế nhiều hơn).

Bài trước: Rất thông cảm
Tags: marriage


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