"Shrouds have no pockets" nghĩa là gì?

Tiền chỉ là vật ngoài thân, chết không mang theo được. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

"Shrouds have no pockets" = vải liệm không có túi -> nghĩa là người đã chết không thể mang theo của cải vật chất sang thế giới bên kia, vì vậy tích trữ khi còn sống là vô ích. (Tấm vải liệm là một tấm vải quấn quanh xác người chết để chôn cất.) 

Ví dụ
You cannot take any material goods with you when you die. Why are you so miserly (hà tiện)? Shrouds have no pockets, you know. You should use your money to enjoy yourself while you're alive.

Philosophers (triết gia) and clerics (giáo sĩ) tell us that 'you can't take it with you,'that 'shrouds have no pockets' and that money is often 'here today and gone tomorrow.' All of these wonderful statements are probably true.

As we say, shrouds have no pockets – all earthly things must be passed from the dying to the living, and that includes our knowledge. He has no outside investments except Hills and Dales which the people enjoy with him. On his last trip he can take nothing with him, as shrouds have no pockets.

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