"Tear in two" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Aliyah Jamous

"Tear (someone or something) in two" = xé làm hai -> nghĩa đen là xé toạc cái gì thành hai miếng/hai mảnh; nghĩa bóng là gây đau khổ và làm tổn thương ai thật nhiều; "người đi một nửa hồn tôi mất".

Ví dụ
They tie Peter to a couple of trees, hoping to tear him in two, but instead the trees act like a giant catapult and send him flying through the air to unexpected freedom.

So now that we’ve all established that this movie is going to tear us in two, let’s get into some tweets about everyone already over-analyzing the Emma Thompson script.

I suspect, if prodded harder than I can handle, that this fear of mine contains so much about my womanhood (nữ tính) that it would tear me in two, if fully deconstructed. Instead, I live in the cramped life my fear has made for me. The terror of loneliness has made itself so physical it lives in my throat like an ortolan (chim sẻ rừng), a dessicated little lump that hurts and hurts me. For some it’s fear of fat that keeps their mouths tightly shut amid plenty. For me, it’s lack of company.

Ka Tina

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