"The law of diminishing returns" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Frank Busch on Unsplash

"The law of diminishing returns" = quy luật hiệu suất giảm dần -> nghĩa là lợi nhuận thu được bị giảm xuống còn ít hơn tiền vốn và công sức bỏ ra.

Ví dụ
I believe it. Money alleviates (làm dịu) worry. But at some point, the law of diminishing returns kicks in. Prestige and fame feel great, but they come at a price.

Mike Sullivan changed to the Penguins, when few, if any, thought it possible. But how much more can he accomplish (đạt được) before the law of diminishing returns catches up to him, as it does every hockey coach?

The law of diminishing returns is catching up with gold miners as the financial and operational costs of digging up the precious metal continue to pile up.

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