"The letter of the law" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Mikhail Pavstyuk on Unsplash

"The letter of the law" = câu chữ của luật -> nghĩa là đúng như trong luật, áp dụng luật pháp. 

Ví dụ
If you are trying to force these people to move out, you must work closely with your attorney (người được ủy quyền). Depending on where you live, it can be very difficult to evict (đuổi) tenants (nguời thuê). You need to follow the letter of the law in order to ensure that you can get them out.

When he first started in law enforcement, he says it was very much about the letter of the law and things were handled in very specific (củ thể) ways.

USA Today turns over some op-ed space to David Rothkopf, host of Deep State Radio, who declares that “the threat posed by Trump’s musing about illegally delaying the election must be seen not in terms of the letter of the law but of Trump’s intent (mục đích), of his situation and of his history.”

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