Sinh viên ngại khó

giảng viên đại học được nhà trường dặn rằng KHÔNG NÊN DÙNG CHỮ VIẾT HOA, vì viết như thế sẽ khiến sinh viên... sợ :D

The memo says: "Despite our best attempts (cố gắng nhất) to explain (giải thích) assessment tasks (bài tập, bài thi), any lack of clarity can generate anxiety (lo âu) and even discourage (không khuyến khích, làm cụt hứng) students from attempting the assessment at all.

Generally, avoid using capital letters for emphasis and "the overuse of 'do', and, especially, 'DON'T'."

The memo also says that staff must be "explicit about any inexplicitness" in their assignment briefs.

And it warns that when students are unsure of an assessment, "they often talk to each other and any misconceptions or misunderstandings quickly spread throughout the group (usually aided and abetted by Facebook).

This can lead to further confusion (lúng túng, khó hiểu) and students may even then decide that the assessment is too difficult and not attempt it".

Bài trước: Học là niềm vui
Tags: kid


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