"Up shit creek without a paddle" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Ludomił Sawicki on Unsplash

"Up shit creek without a paddle" = ngược dòng suối (.ứt) bằng tay không (ko có mái chèo) -> nghĩa là trong tình huống khó khăn/khó xử mà khó có đường thoát.

Ví dụ
Let’s face it, the UK has not exactly been a shining light in the way it has handled (xử lý) the pandemic. Like the US, bad leadership and a general disregard for science has put them up shit creek without a paddle.

Musicians and artists are in a particularly bad way, having been left up shit creek without a paddle and no way of making any money. So, with that in mind, here are a few things you can do to give a dig out (làm gì sau thời gian dài không đụng đến).

“Things were bad enough before covid,” one source said. “Now we really have found ourselves up shit creek without a paddle.” It’s not as if no one warned (cảnh báo) Croydon about a possible financial calamity (thảm họa).

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