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hoan nghênh hiệp định thương mại mỹ mexico canada (usmca) mới mang lại việc làm (rời khỏi china) quay về bắc mỹ chưa chắc đã hay,

một, thất nghiệp tăng đó là do năng suất lao động cao hơn, công nghệ sản xuất tân tiến hơn,

hai, thương mại (bản chất là) gây mất việc làm (vì tạo ra việc khác), nhập khẩu tức là có được hàng hóa và dịch vụ với ít công sức và nguồn lực hơn (so với mình tự làm),
Here’s a letter to the Wall Street Journal:


H.R. McMaster and Pablo Tortolero applaud (ủng hộ bằng cách vỗ tay; ca ngợi, hoan nghênh, tán thành) the U.S. Mexico Canada trade agreement (USMCA) for, among other predicted (được dự báo) consequences (kết quả, hậu quả), its prospect (triển vọng) of “returning manufacturing jobs to North America from China” (“The North American Trade Dividend,” July 7). This applause is unwarranted, for two reasons.

First, the decline in American manufacturing employment is due to rising worker productivity caused by improved techniques of production. Were this decline caused chiefly by Americans’ importation of goods from China, America would have experienced a corresponding decrease in U.S. manufacturing output. But no such decrease occurred. The real value of U.S. manufacturing output rose steadily after China joined the WTO in 2001 before falling as a result of the Great Recession. Since then (until Trump’s trade war and covid) it has increased (if more slowly than earlier).

Second and more fundamentally, trade should not be judged by its prospects of “returning jobs” to the home country. Indeed, a central point of trade is to destroy particular jobs (as it creates others). With trade, we acquire (được, giành được, thu được, đạt được, kiếm được) from abroad goods and services by using less labor and other resources than we would use to produce those same goods and services for ourselves. And so if the USMCA really will return certain jobs to the U.S., that outcome is cause for lamentation (sự than khóc, lời than van) rather than celebration (sự tán dương, sự ca tụng).

Donald J. Boudreaux

Tags: economics

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