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nghị sĩ argentina bị bắt quả tang... hôn ngực tình nhân và cũng là cố vấn chính trị giữa phiên họp quốc hội qua mạng... :D

Married father-of-three Juan Emilio Ameri shocked fellow lawmakers by letting a pretty blonde sit on his knee and appear to fondle him before bending down and kissing her right nipple after pulling down her black top.

...Ameri, accused of sexually harassing (quấy rối tình dục) a teenager (trẻ vị thành niên) around the time he first became an MP last December, initially tried to play down (giảm mức độ trầm trọng) the incident with a bizarre explanation linking his behaviour to the woman's recent boob job after his suspension.

Tags: sex

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