"Against your will" nghĩa là gì?

Rape là bạo lực, là tội ác.Photo by Eternal Happiness from Pexels

"Against (one's) will" nghĩa là làm trái với ý muốn của một người, làm điều gì mà không có sự cho phép của người đó đặc biệt liên quan đến bạo lực. "Will" ở đây được hiểu theo nghĩa ưng thuận, đồng ý.

Ví dụ
You acted according to your own will, but with a view to your destruction; they dealt with you against your will, but in order to your preservation (bảo vệ).

For many years, rape was defined by common law as sexual intercourse (quan hệ tình dục) "by a man with a woman, not his wife, by force and against her will."' That definition found its way into the statutes (đạo luật) of many states.

Mindcontrol (kiểm soát tâm trí) is to dictate (điều khiển) your feelings and thoughts without your awareness or consent (đồng ý). It is not exactly going against your will because you are not even really aware of the fact that you are being induced (xui khiến) psychologically until after the incident.

Just listen to me like you used to. I'm not forcing you to do anything against your will, but you have to bend to blend (hòa hợp). Remember how I taught you how to use tampons (một loại băng vệ sinh), which they claim has given people infections but hasn't hurt us until this day? I know the right way to go about thing.

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