Lương, thưởng là lý do hàng đầu khiến nhân sự IT nghỉ việc

nên thuyết phục sếp thưởng cho những công việc có ý nghĩa (dài hạn), kể cả khi điều đó phức tạp, khó lượng hóa, chứ ko nên chú trọng những dự án ngắn hạn...
Dear Dan,

I work for a tech company (công ty công nghệ) as a software engineer (kỹ sư phần mềm). Our bonuses are tied to quarterly evaluations (đánh giá theo quý), which means that managers are much more likely to reward short-term gains than ideas that take a year to generate results. Since the introduction of this bonus structure, I’ve been concentrating much more on short-term projects with visible results. Am I really doing the right thing for the company, or am I just gaming the system (lợi dụng/tận dụng kẽ hở hệ thống) to get paid more?

There’s no question about it: Your strategy is designed to make more money for you personally, but it will hurt the company in the long term. When the company created this bonus structure, they probably thought it made sense, because short-term results are easier to measure. But it is counterproductive (phản tác dụng) if employees become less motivated to take on riskier, more ambitious projects with potentially higher payoffs. It’s hard to ignore a bad incentive structure, so if I were you I would try to convince management to change it and measure the things that matter, even if they are complex or hard to quantify.

Tags: work

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