Để không lỡ "con tàu 4.0"

đồng nghiệp IT trong công ty, mọi người, ngại/chần chừ không muốn chuyển toàn bộ cơ sở mã chương trình máy tính sang phiên bản mới, dù lợi ích lớn trong tương lai,

-> mỗi ngày, cùng nhau coding 2-4h chiều, rồi đi uống bia -> thấy happy hơn và lợi ích cũng gần hơn...
Hi, Dan.

At work we have a large code base—all the source codes for our computer programs—and it’s managed by many teams around the world. We need to migrate the code base to a new version of our programming language. The expected benefits are huge, but everyone is procrastinating (chần chừ, ngần ngại, trì hoãn). What would you do to motivate (thúc đẩy) people, apart from just setting a deadline (hạn chót)?

Procrastination happens because there is an asymmetry (bất đối xứng) between the costs (chi phí) that you have to pay now and the rewards (phần thưởng, lợi ích) you expect (hi vọng, kỳ vọng) in the future. While the benefits of a distant (xa xôi, xa xăm) goal—in this case, a better programming language—might be huge, they feel less salient when we have to do something difficult right now—such as working on the migration process.

So I would try to make the current experience more rewarding and fun. For instance, try setting up a happy hour: Every day from 2-4pm, everyone can write code together and then celebrate by having a beer together (or kombucha, depending on your company) to celebrate your progress. This approach can make the experience more communal (chung, công cộng) and enjoyable.

Tags: work

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