Khi hàng xóm thích làm ồn

thật ra, là nhà mình làm ồn, con cái chạy nhảy khiến hàng xóm khó chịu,

-> nên:
1, mua thảm trải sàn để êm chân hơn,
2, mời hàng xóm đi uống bia và kết thân :)
Dear Dan,

Our new downstairs neighbor in our apartment building is bothered by the sound of our toddler (đứa bé chập chững biết đi) son walking on the floors. He keeps banging on his ceiling and walls in an attempt to make us aware of how annoying the noise is. What can we do to make him stop harassing (quấy rầy, làm phiền) us? We cannot move, and I cannot keep my son from walking on the floors during the daytime.

First, you should invest in some rugs (thảm chùi chân) to help reduce the noise. Then you can write to your neighbor and tell him about the effort you’ve made. Finally, invite him over for dinner; this will establish a sense of friendship and make him think twice before pounding on the walls. And be sure to serve alcohol during the dinner, as a way to break the ice and to make everyone friendlier.

Tags: skill

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