"Boot camp" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Maël BALLAND from Pexels

"Boot camp" có "boot" là giày ống, "camp" là doanh trại -> từ này nghĩa là trại huấn luyện lính thuỷ mới tuyển.

Ví dụ
Kissinger was still a solitary figure (đơn độc), quiet and reticent (trầm lặng) as he went through basic training. But as always, he was observant (tinh ý).

I think that a military boot camp, with the right structure and with leaders who have a passion to bring the best out of people, is the answer for the rehabilitation (phục hồi) of people who have gotten on the wrong road in life.

I will continue to implement the steps and strategies (chiến lược) of boot camp until they become my habitual (theo thói quen) way of thinking, responding, and acting in my life. I want to take it from here and become a skilled values-based meaning-maker. 

Consequently, he survived boot camp well, displaying the normal hatred of his lieutenant (đại úy hải quân) ("we hated him beyond description and probably for no real reason"), but allowing the exhilaration (niềm hồ hởi) of a new life to resonate in his letters home.

Thu Phương

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