"Direct your attention to" nghĩa là gì?

Tiếng hát lay động lòng người. Photo by Papa Yaw from Pexels

"Direct (one's) attention to (someone or something)" nghĩa là tập trung sự chú ý hoặc mối quan tâm của ai vào điều gì, khiến ai chú ý.

Ví dụ
If hon. members would direct my attention to these matters by letter or by personal interview, I should give just as much attention to them as though they were mentioned on this motion (đề nghị).

Simply direct your attention to this area and notice what you perceive (nhận thấy). You may become conscious of an echo of the nimitta that appears as you direct your attention to the mind-door in the heart area.

Mindful attention is a way of allowing something to exist without bringing it into existence by the act of looking for it. If I direct my attention to the ending, for example, or anything outside of what is happening now, I am being less, and thinking, judging, worrying, etc., more. I am less mindful.

In order to direct your attention to her in a somewhat humorous way, I might softly sing the first line of her song. If the song is sufficiently characteristic (đặc trưng riêng) of Maria, my singing it may well be sufficient to make you realize that I am trying to call your attention to her presence by singing it.

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