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tổng thống mexico - ông Andrés Manuel López Obrador đòi Tây Ban Nha phải xin lỗi vì đã... xâm lược nước này 500 năm trước :D

-> thủ thuật chính trị để được lòng dân chúng, kiếm phiếu bầu cử, quên đi thất bại điều hành kinh tế thôi,

campuchia đòi hỏi gì ở việt nam nhỉ? :D
lately Mexico has been demanding (yêu cầu) an apology (lời xin lỗi) from Spain for colonialism (chủ nghĩa thực dân). Here is one bit:

Some features of good apologies are sincerity, overall compatibility with what the apologizer now stands for in other contexts, and a broad social willingness to accept that something indeed has been settled for the better.


OK, so how about Spain and Mexico? I am skeptical (hoài nghi) of this proposed apology, partly because it seems like a political maneuver (thủ đoạn chính trị) by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to garner (bỏ vào kho; nộp vào vựa; thu vào kho) political support (ủng hộ chính trị) and distract (làm sao lãng, làm lãng đi, làm lãng trí) from his likely failure to successfully reform Mexico’s economy. The current Spanish government also is not a close descendant of the conquistadors (người Tây Ban Nha đi xâm chiếm Trung và Nam Mỹ), as it is a full-blown democracy (nền dân chủ) and the conquest (cuộc chinh phục, chinh phạt) was almost 500 years ago. One can acknowledge the massive injustices (bất công quy mô lớn) of the history without thinking that current Spanish citizens necessarily should feel so guilty (cảm thấy tội lỗi/có lỗi). And (until recently) Spain-Mexico relations have not been problematic, so it is not clear exactly what problem this apology is supposed to solve.

The current demand for an apology is a distraction from the enduring injustice of Mexico’s segregation (sự chia tách hoặc bị chia tách; tình trạng bị chia tách). If Spaniards found their own reasons for wishing to apologize, that would be a good result. But on this demand, they are correct to give it a pass.

I also consider the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Rwanda.

Bài trước: Nghịch dại
Tags: economics

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