"Money makes the world go around" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: MChe Lee on Unsplash

"Money makes the world go around" = đồng tiền làm thế giới quay -> nghĩa là đồng tiền là thứ quan trọng/thiết yếu nhất đối với cuộc sống hằng ngày của con người và thế giới nói chung.

Ví dụ
It’s not only that the money makes the world go around but the US dollar is still the dominant (thống trị) currency that keeps the global economy going. This system is not going away any time soon.
There are many things that money can’t buy like manners morals (đạo đức) and integrity (chính trực). Money makes the world go around but it can’t slow down time. Spend your money on things you can buy and learn to be morally upright, it establishes integrity.

Money makes the world go around and these FinTech companies are leading the way in shaping how, where and when we can make our payments for goods and services, as well as keeping them secure and safe. 

Money makes the world go around, right? It also is the thing which makes stuff grow (phát triển). It is literally the water, sunshine, air, food, energy we all need to survive. 

Ngọc Lân

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