"On my home turf" nghĩa là gì?

Về nhà thôi ^^ Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

"On one's home turf" có 'turf' là đất đai riêng -> cụm từ này nghĩa là trên chính đất đai/quê hương (của ai); trong lĩnh vực, nghề nghiệp mà (ai đó) quen thuộc, hiểu biết rõ; chính là câu "sân nhà" của ai đó các bạn.

Ví dụ
Well, I'm a pretty good closer. But there's another thing the dealership guys never guess about me: When I step into a car showroom, I'm on my home turf.

Rob Arlett, head of the Delaware Trump Campaign, said the protest was a joint effort between the Delaware Trump Campaign and Delaware Republicans. For some, it was an uncommon (hiếm thấy) opportunity to speak in number against Delaware's favorite politician on his home turf. 

“I really expected it to be harder than it was. A big part of it was, I had my best friend (Inguagiato) who was biking with me the entire time. I just had so much support,” Foster said. “I would argue it was more enjoyable (with family and friends helping). It was my last race (cuộc đua) at home, it was on my home turf. … It was a good closure to high school running.”

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