"On the sly" nghĩa là gì?

Bất chấp lệnh giãn cách, nhiều trường tự ý cho học sinh đi học lại. Photo by Arthur Krijgsman from Pexels

"On the sly" nghĩa là kín đáo, bí mật.

Ví dụ
NHS England has refuted (bác bỏ) the claims, but GPs (bác sĩ đa khoa) told Pulse they think the Covid clinical assessment (đánh giá lâm sàng) service (CCAS) is moving towards a more general clinical assessment service, with the shift taking place ‘on the sly’.

UP school reopening news: The government has not ordered the reopening of the schools yet, but reports have it that several private schools are functioning (hoạt động) on the sly since the past two weeks in Uttar Pradesh. These schools have encouraged children to come back to school, on the claims that they are adhering (tuân thủ) to COVID protocol (giao thức). 

“The Americans consistently shirk (trốn tránh) from work in any of these areas and continue to demand that we ‘stop illegal actions (hành động phi pháp)’ on interference in internal affairs (công việc nội bộ),” the minister said. At the same time the US does not see “anything shameful” in promoting its interests, not only “on the sly by illegitimate methods,” but also openly, Lavrov added.

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