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một phụ nữ mua túi đuôi gà hun khói, thì càng trông càng thấy miếng thịt giống... cu đàn ông -> tá hỏa gọi cảnh sát...
Lamia Singfield of Akron said she had purchased a pack of smoked turkey tails from the grocery store to cook for dinner. But as she was cooking them in beans, she said something didn’t look right.

...Her receipt says she bought turkey tails, she said. A photo of the label she provided says “smoked pork tails.”

...At first, she said she thought it was funny. But the longer she looked at the item, the more she became concerned the phallic-shaped meat could be from a human.

And so she called police.

Bài trước: Nhất rồi
Tags: sex

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