"Pressed for space" nghĩa là gì?

Dưới đất chật quá thì lên đây cho thoáng vậy :D Photo by: NASA on Unsplash

"Pressed for space" có press là thúc giục, thúc bách -> cụm từ này nghĩa là có rất ít không gian/khoảng cách; chật hẹp.

Ví dụ
No matter the size of the project, having a workspace to accommodate (đáp ứng) it is of the utmost importance. You want to have enough room to spread out tools and supplies without feeling pressed for space. Workbenches emerge as the right workstations for professionals as well as DIYers, hobbyists, crafters, and tinkerers.

As we come to terms with (chấp nhận) the fact that we’ll be working from home for the foreseeable (dễ thấy) future, and for some, forever, it’s time to build a workspace you can feel settled in. But we know that’s difficult when you’re pressed for space. 

Nicely stained wood is everywhere, and you're not pressed for space, either. I'd say this is more suited for a weekend trip to the lake, though I happen to know a couple of adventurers who were driving from Argentina to Alaska in an extremely similar '50s Chevy before COVID disrupted (làm chậm trễ) their plans. 

If you’re pressed for space in your fridge, then items such as honey, garlic (tỏi), and bread do not need refrigeration. They are fine in a dry, ventilated (thoáng đãng) space.

Ngọc Lân

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