"The center of attention" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Genaro Servín from Pexels

"The center of attention" nghĩa là trung tâm của sự chú ý. Cụm từ đôi khi mang hàm ý tiêu cực chỉ một người khao khát được chú ý.

Ví dụ
Libra dont really like to make themselves the center of attention.

The President is tweeting about his streaming numbers and ratings because he isn’t the center of attention right now.

All the boys staring at mentor (cố vấn) Minghao with the biggest smiles on their faces and Minghao getting shy for being the center of the attention. This is adorable.

Quite surprisingly some of the members of her fan club were of the male persuasion and she was very flattered (xu nịnh) at the attention. She was now a permanent center of attention. They reluctantly left Paris, their next destination being Rome.

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