Bí quyết để chồng chịu "xì" lương ra

nhớ đụng chạm cơ thể, thậm chí massage cho chồng nhé :)

nghiên cứu năm 2010 cho thấy được phụ nữ đụng chạm thì có những quyết định tài chính rủi ro hơn -> nên giám đốc công ty yêu cầu nữ nhân viên bán hàng thỉnh thoảng (chủ ý) chạm vào tay khách hàng đấy :D
Dear Dan,

I am a saleswoman working at a major company. Recently, we've been told to try to make physical contact with customers—for example, by touching their arm when stressing an important point. I don't like this approach. Do you know if it has any scientific basis?

You might not want to hear the answer, but we do have some evidence suggesting the efficacy (tính có hiệu quả, hiệu lực) of physical touch. Perhaps someone at your company read about a study by Jonathan Levav of Columbia University and Jennifer Argo of the University of Alberta published in Psychological Science in 2010. They found that individuals who experienced physical contact from women—a handshake (bắt tay) or a touch on the shoulder (chạm vai)—felt calmer and safer, and consequently made riskier financial decisions.

Another study published two years later—by Paul Zak and his team, in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine—found that after receiving a 15-minute massage (especially the females) were more willing to give their money to others. Dr. Paul also found that their blood contained elevated levels of oxytocin, a hormone linked to trust (tin tưởng) and intimacy (thân mật).

More research backs these findings up. One 2010 study, carried out by researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, found that 45 minutes of Swedish massage reduced the levels of hormones that are released during stress and tied to aggressive behavior.

And why stop there? Armed with this information, you could go to your boss and suggest that massaging the customers is inefficient: There are lots of them, and they stay in the store for only a short time. Why not massage the employees each morning instead to make them more friendly and trusting? :D

Tags: skill

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