Tại sao càng học, càng đọc sách càng 'ngu'?

vì những vấn đề thắc mắc, chưa hiểu lại càng nhiều thêm mà,
Dear Dan,

I do lots of research online for work. I've noticed that, as more and more information sources become available, I'm less and less sure about my research's quality. Is my trust in online information dwindling?

I suspect that the real reason isn't trust. During my first years at university, I took many introductory classes (lớp học nhập môn) and felt that I knew a lot about all the topics I was studying, from physiology to metaphysics. But once I got to graduate school and started reading more academic papers, I realized how large the gap was between what I knew and what I needed to learn. (Over the years, this gap has only widened.)

I suspect that your online searches have a similar effect on you. They show you the size of the gulf between what you know from online research and the other knowable information still out there.

The magnitude (tầm lớn, độ lớn) of this gap can be depressing, maybe even paralyzing. But the good news is that a more realistic view of how little we really know—and more humility—can open the door to more data and fewer opinions.

Tags: skill

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