Để có nhiều người hiến tạng

khuyến khích họ ghi danh là người hiến tặng tiềm năng đã, như vậy, khi có bệnh nhân, vấn đề có nên hiến (thận, v.v...) hay không ko còn là lý thuyết nữa, mà là cứu giúp một con người cụ thể...
Dear Dan,

My brother has kidney failure (suy thận), and the transplant wait list (danh sách đợi ghép thận) for deceased (đã mất, quá cố) donors is too long to help him in time. So he's looking into finding a living donor (unfortunately, my blood type isn't a match).

The risks for living donors are minimal, and the average donor experiences no impact on their kidney function or life expectancy (tuổi thọ). But kidney donation is a major surgery, and it carries costs—time off work, some discomfort and several weeks of recovery.

What can I do to encourage people to consider becoming living donors?

When people think about organ donation in the abstract, they might not be too eager to volunteer. But they are more likely to act if there is an actual person who needs help. So I would start by encouraging people to do the simple part of organ donation, which is to register as a potential donor. Then, if a patient turns out to match with them, the question of whether to donate will be less theoretical—it will be about helping a particular person.

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