"Blind with science" nghĩa là gì?

"Blind (someone) with science" = đem sở học của mình ra loè ai -> nghĩa là dùng thuật ngữ hoặc biệt ngữ chuyên ngành/khoa học nói cho người không biết.

Ví dụ
Be clear and concise (ngắn gọn, súc tích). Don’t use lots of jargon (biệt ngữ, tiếng lóng) or buzzwords and try to blind with science or statistics. Write from the heart and be quite clear in how you intend to work. We have deliberately simplified our application process to make this fund easier to apply to and to produce a quicker turnaround. Your application shouldn’t take any more than half an hour to complete.

The people of Jesus’ day loved to hear his parables (tục ngữ), probably because they related to true life situations, such as, they could see farmers sowing seeds on the hillsides. Yet the disciples (môn đồ) nearly always failed to understand the theological meanings contained in those parables. Jesus never tried to blind with science, or theology (thuyết thần học), he wanted to raise their gaze to understand the truths of God. In three of these parables we see that the kingdom of God is a partnership between heaven and earth, between the farmer who plants and God who makes things grow.

Ego, as much as it exists in engineers, tends to be kept in check by gaining appreciation from their accomplishments rather than demanding respect from others. Their work tends to involve the need to think visually. Since their work is mostly practical, engineers are pretty well pre-adapted to help others understand complex concepts. The layperson can usually rely on an engineer to break down complex subjects into more every day, bite size, easy to understand pieces. Scientists or more theoretical professions and can often "blind with science", usually unintentionally.

Ka Tina

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