"Darken a church door" nghĩa là gì?

"Darken a church door" -> nghĩa là đến nhà thờ hoặc tham dự buổi lễ ở đó.

Ví dụ
In essence, the people who never darken a church door have become much less certain of what they believe about God, while those who still make church part of their life are just as certain (đương nhiên) as they were before.

I never darken a church door because I hate hypocrisy (đạo đức giả) almost as much as I love the character and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christianity is a beautiful faith. The trouble is that there are so pitifully few Christians in the world. 

I'm a Gen Xer, and a lot of my staff are millennials (giới trẻ hiện đại, sinh sau năm 2000), and it just kind of broke our hearts that, you know, a lot of our friends and neighbors will never darken a church door, you know, for whatever reason.

Questions populated our faces like chicken pox run amok. Our uncle was a smoker, drinker and cusser (hay chửi bậy). It seemed likely that he’d never darken a church door.

Ngọc Lân

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