"Field a grounder" nghĩa là gì?

"Field a grounder" có field là người chặn bóng -> cụm từ này nghĩa là bắt (và ném trả) quả bóng vừa nảy lên sau khi chạm đất.

Ví dụ
For his part, McClanahan managed to record his first out and get tackled (giành bóng) by Brandon Lowe while trying to field a grounder.

The Bulldogs third baseman Ellie Hanson ranged to her left to field a grounder and threw home to get Hastings’ Emma Synek at the plate (vị trí phát bóng) for the second out.

First base defense doesn’t get a lot of credit. It seems easy enough — stand there and catch the throws from your teammates, and maybe field a grounder and then carry it a few feet to the base. You could never make a throw and still get your job done adequately (xứng đáng), and no one would fault you.

They asked me to field a grounder and toss (ném) the ball to the coach. When I failed as miserably (khốn khổ) as I would while I was awake, the other dude got the job.

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