"From sea to shining sea" nghĩa là gì?

"From sea to shining sea" = từ biển tới biển lấp lánh -> nghĩa là trải dài từ bờ biển này sang bờ biển khác.

Ví dụ
I apologize for the following lyrics, but with the American empire (đế chế) possibly on the verge (bờ vực) of collapse, I felt the need to begin writing a shadow version of “America the Beautiful”: “O terrible for brutal cops, for presidential lies, for racist actions endlessly, beneath the smoke-filled skies. America, America, God’s sick and tired of thee. Coronavirus, that’s your crown, from sea to shining sea.”

That is a pride that, if we're lucky, may bear fruit because the alternative is as frightening as it is untenable (không trụ lại được) — as maintaining the current version of pride will surely eat us all alive, from sea to shining sea.

For so long, the Browns have lacked (thiếu đi) a true identity. Like a rudderless (không đuôi lái) ship, they have bobbed from sea to shining sea looking lost and devoid of a focused plan of how they want to move forward and get back on course.

Supporting small farmers is a worthwhile cause. In 1920, there were more than 6 million farms scattered from sea to shining sea. Today, 2 million are left. And while that number is stabilizing (ổn định), it's the big boys increasingly plowing the earth, not mom and dad.

Ngọc Lân

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