"Have both oars in the water" nghĩa là gì?

"Have both oars in the water" = giữ cả hai mái chèo trong nước -> nghĩa là giữ bình tĩnh/ổn định, không bị kích động bởi những thay đổi khác thường trong hoàn cảnh; nếu thêm doesn't thì sẽ có nghĩa là điên rồ, khùng.

Ví dụ
Also, the folks who organized (tổ chức) this show didn’t have both oars in the water. They asked for donations (ủng hộ) through the mobile payment service Venmo. But they said the money was for the North Texas Food Bank.

"Some people don't have both oars in the water, and you still talk to them. You try to help them out, try to find them some sort of assistance, either through a doctor, the local priest (thầy tu) or friends." Through the decades, he saw the highs and lows of policing. Meeting and helping people was always at the core (cốt lõi) of what kept him going through the hardships that pepper a career like policing.

There were plenty, but some of my favorites were, "I see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw." Or, in response to an obvious (rõ ràng) statement he would say, "Is a 40 pound robin fat?" Or the infamous (lừng danh), "that guy doesn't have both oars in the water."

Ann does not have both oars and has these strange, almost hormonal (do hooc môn), outbursts (bột phát) at certain times of the month.
Ngọc Lân

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