Ban đầu chỉ là một từ thôi

năm 1967, John Lennon rời vợ và con để đến sống với Yoko Ono.

Paul McCartney ko muốn Cynthia Lennon nghĩ rằng ông cũng bỏ rơi bà and Julian, chỉ vì John rời đi, nên đã lái xe đến thăm họ ở Weybridge.

trên đường đi, paul - ko muốn julian khóc, khiến tình hình tồi tệ thêm - nên nghĩ và ngâm nga hát: “Hey Jules, don’t make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better.” rồi thấy jules khó hát nên chuyển thành ‘Hey Jude’.

Beatles ghi âm và phát hành bài này năm 1968.

rồi hoá ra, jude nghĩa là do thái trong tiếng đức...
...The man shouted: “Jude! Jude! Jude! Haven’t we had enough of this? I’m going to send my son round to beat you up.”

The man’s name was Mr Leon and he had a heavy accent, eventually McCartney was able to work out the problem: the word ‘Jude’ meant Jew in German.

This was a Jewish man who had escaped Nazi Germany (chạy trốn khỏi đức quốc xã) where Jewish shops had JUDE painted in large letters in whitewash on their windows.

All over the country, JUDEN RAUS (Jews Out) was painted on walls and windows.

Josef Goebbels made a propaganda film that was shown to everyone: ‘DER EWIGE JUDE’ (The Eternal Jew).

Over footage of rats scuttling about, the Nazi voice over said:

“Where rats appear, they bring ruin by destroying mankind’s goods and foodstuffs. In this way, they spread disease (bệnh), plague (dịch, tai học), leprosy (bệnh hủi, bệnh phong), typhoid fever (bệnh thương hàn), cholera (dịch tả, bệnh tả), dysentery (bệnh lỵ), and so on. They are cunning (xảo trá), cowardly (hèn nhát), and cruel (độc ác) and are found mostly in large packs. Among the animals, they represent the rudiment (cơ quan chưa phát triển đầy đủ, bộ phận chưa phát triển đầy đủ) of an insidious (quỷ quyệt, xảo quyệt), underground destruction – just like the Jews among human beings.”

This was the world that Mr Leon had escaped, and this is what HEY JUDE in a shop window looked like to him.

...As the man who invented semiotics, Ferdinand de Saussure, said: “Everyone, left to his own devices, forms an idea about what goes on in language, which is very far from the truth.”

If we don’t take strict control of our own communications, someone else will. (nếu ko kiểm soát chặt những gì mình muốn nói/truyền tải, người khác sẽ kiểm soát nó)

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