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marketing như lái tàu, phải càng big, càng loud thì người ta mới để tâm...
...Which, coincidentally, I later found was exactly the way the general public responds to advertising.

Just like a massive ship, the public ploughs on through their life, they couldn’t care less what we’re doing.

If we want to get them to pay any attention at all, we have to over-compensate, we have to do much more than we think necessary.

We turn the wheel (bánh lái) that will turn the rudder (đuôi lái, nguyên tắc chỉ đạo) that will turn the ship, and it will always take more than we think we need.

Because, just like the ocean, the public doesn’t give a shit what we’re up to.

Just like a ship, we need a sledgehammer (búa tạ) not a rapier (thanh kiếm mỏng, trường kiếm), rapiers are for awards juries: little clever ads for people whose lives revolve around advertising.

People who inspect advertising under a magnifying glass.

Paul Arden once told me the most important thing he learned from Charles Saatchi was: “Think bigger. However big you’re thinking, it isn’t big enough, think bigger.”

Later on, I read Damien Hirst saying the most important thing he learned from Charles Saatchi was: “Think big, if you’re not embarrassed by how big you’re thinking, you’re not thinking big enough.”

Tags: skill

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