"Too many balls in the air" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by PJ on Unsplash

"Too many balls in the air" = (tung hứng) quá nhiều bóng trên không trung -> nghĩa là có quá nhiều việc cùng xảy ra cần phải xử lý.

Ví dụ
Almost always, it feels like there are way too many balls in the air than I can handle. Lunchbox, mask, emails, shoes, breakfast, teeth brushed, meetings (hội họp), homework, practice, dinner, baths, work call, bedtime.

My stepfather told me to ‘pick one thing and do it well.’ This was at a point in my career where I had too many balls in the air. I was an art consultant (cố vấn), running three retail (bán lẻ) stores, and doing interiors. He was right, as per usual!

"It is to relieve that stress even from the parents who are at home who can't do their work and their child's school work," shares lead teacher Paige Hyland, "And finding that is too many balls in the air."

The past few months I have felt like a juggler (tung hứng) who suddenly had too many balls in the air. My family needs more of my love and attention and Miss Sophie’s is more demanding (yêu cầu) every day. I have been called to care for my blessings and I am honored to do so. So, after much thought and prayer, I’ve decided to put column writing on the back burner for a while to free up some time.

Ngọc Lân

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