"Be a go-between" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Brett Jordan 

"Be a go-between" = người đi giữa -> nghĩa là người đưa tin cho hai bên/nhóm.

Ví dụ
While each of the candidates say they are ready for the job, former Lt. Gov. Owen also noted the importance of the new lieutenant trung úy) governor being open to listen to constituents directly. “You should utilize your position of influence to be a go-between for people facing serious problems with government and the private sector,” Owen explained, although he cautioned that sometimes you can be successful and sometimes you can’t.

Divorce conflict can harm your children. Research shows that children who see their parents engaging in destructive conflict are more prone to mental health challenges, behavioral issues, and unhealthy relationships of their own. Involving your kids in conflict by encouraging them to be a go-between can also damage their relationships with both parents. Before, during, and after your divorce, try to avoid nasty fights or arguments in front of your kids and badmouthing (phỉ báng, bôi nhọ) the other parent behind their back.

“Luminal began back in 2016 mainly to address the needs of filmmakers, to address the struggle of not being able to really connect with their [intended] audiences,” John told Free Times. “Most Black filmmakers make their films for every audience but you know, with a specific like, especially like Black audience in mind, but what happens is, they don’t always get to reach the people, because if the people don’t come out to things like film festivals. So we decided to kind of be a go-between, to bridge the filmmakers and audiences.”

Ka Tina

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