Để quản lý thời gian hiệu quả

đừng dùng quá nhiều công cụ "quản lý thời gian" như danh sách công việc, ứng dụng, ghi sổ... (cùng lúc), chuyển qua chuyển lại, mất thời giờ hơn,

chọn và chỉ dùng một phương pháp thôi trong một tháng, rồi xem có cần phương pháp khác ko, tìm cách hợp với mình nhất...
Dear Dan,

I’ve tried several techniques to be more organized and productive—to-do lists, time-management apps, keeping a journal. But switching between all these methods only makes things more confused. How do I figure out the best productivity system for me?

Behavioral economists refer to this kind of overplanning as structured procrastination. Juggling productivity tools and platforms makes us feel we’re making progress, when in fact they’re just another way of distracting us from our work.

To avoid this, take an experimental approach: Pick one time-management method and use it exclusively for a month. When the month is up, ask yourself if you really need a different method or extra tool. By committing to a single method and giving it time to work, you’ll be able to find out which productivity tools suit your needs and which just waste your time.

Tags: skill

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