"Do a bunk" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Linh Nguyen on Unsplash

"Do a bunk" -> nghĩa là tẩu thoát/bỏ đi nhanh chóng, thường trong các trường hợp phi pháp, đáng nghi.
Ví dụ
It's certainly possible. I do wonder if The Traveler is actually preparing to leave, and that's going to be the shock twist. The arrival of the pyramid ships represents an existential (tồn tại) threat to it, and so it may be planning to do a bunk if it thinks the Guardians aren't up to the job of protecting it.

What is wrong with people, they agree to isolate (cô lập) and then do a bunk. This is too serious a matter and 6 months prison is not a strong enough deterrent (ngăn chặn).

Is Vinny about to do a bunk after landing a punch on Phelan? In upcoming Coronation Street scenes it looks like the Weatherfield bad guy is about to do a runner to sunnier climes (vùng, miền). Why else would he be wearing such a snazzy (mốt) colourful Hawaiian shirt?

The last time I gave this option serious consideration I was a young man on the run. Faced with imminent (sắp xảy ra) arrest I decided to do a bunk, to grab a few weeks of freedom before the pillars of my life collapsed around me.

Ngọc Lân

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