"Due diligence" nghĩa là gì?

'Due diligence' nghĩa là hoạt động thẩm tra, 'thẩm định chuyên sâu', nghiên cứu nghiêm túc, rà soát cẩn thận... (khi một nhà đầu tư có ý định đầu tư vào một doanh nghiệp hoặc cân nhắc mua bán, sáp nhập với một đơn vị khác (M&A))

Ví dụ
Markets regulator Sebi came out with a framework for creation of security for listed debt securities and 'due diligence' that needs to be carried out by debenture trustees.

Croatia's Fortenova Group, the successor to the collapsed food-to-retail concern Agrokor, said on Monday it invited selected bidders to start due diligence at its frozen food units Ledo Plus, Ledo Citluk, Frikom and several smaller ones, which have been offered for sale.

Under the norms, DTs will have to exercise independent due diligence and it places obligations on the DTs to ensure that the assets of the issuers are sufficient to discharge the interest and principal amount with respect to debt securities of issuers at all times.

Before commencing the litigation in question, the eventual plaintiff M7D was searching for potential investors. M7D ultimately found an interested party, and entered into a non-disclosure agreement specifying that an “agent of [M7D] is furnishing to [the investor] certain information . . . concerning [M7D] . . . which is strictly confidential.” After agreeing to maintain the confidentiality of information exchanged between M7D and the investor, the investor’s law firm conducted due diligence regarding M7D’s intellectual property and trade secrets.

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