Mua xổ số thật phí tiền

ông bố 3 con ở indonesia thành triệu phú vì thiên thạch trị giá 1,8 triệu usd rơi vào nhà...

Josua Hutagalung, 33, was at home when the football-sized meteorite smashed through the veranda (hiên, hè, hành lang) at the edge of his living room (phòng khách).

Experts have hailed the 4.5billion-year-old space rock as one of the most significant meteorite finds ever - saying it could contain elements which give clues (manh mối) to the origins of life (nguồn gốc sự sống).

Josua, of Kolang, in North Sumatra, has already sold the rock to a specialist collector - given him enough money to retire and build a new church in his village.

...He was given the equivalent of 30 years' salary for the 2.2kg rock.

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