"Motherhood and apple pie" nghĩa là gì?

"Motherhood and apple pie" = trách nhiệm làm mẹ và bánh táo -> nghĩa là những yếu tố rất tốt và quan trọng trong mắt người Mỹ.

Ví dụ
Sars is all motherhood and apple pie when all we really want is transparency (minh bạch). While Sars’s annual reporting is relatively meticulous (tỉ mỉ, kĩ càng), there are many little foxes in that vineyard that hide behind blank pages.

And after ongoing advocacy (bào chữa) by hundreds of civil (công dân) society groups from around the world, and several United Nations special procedures (quy trình), the final declaration of the summit (cuộc gặp thượng đỉnh) contains only reference to community-led development and human rights. There are no concrete (cụ thể) actionable commitments beyond business as usual dressed in the language of motherhood and apple pie.

There are motherhood and apple pie sentiments in the prospectus (cáo bạch) on climate change and protecting the countryside of course with which no-one can disagree.

The rest of the statement is what the Americans call ‘motherhood and apple pie’ — in other words, platitudes (vô vị), such as, there was agreement “to earnestly (nghiêm túc) implement (thi hành) the important consensus (đồng lòng) reached by the leaders of the two countries, strengthen communications on the ground… avoid taking action that may complicate (làm phức tạp) the situation.”

Ngọc Lân

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